DOCX Converter

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Our online DOCX converter online helps you to convert files to and from Word (DOC or DOCX) file extensions online. A Word (.DOC) file extension is an MS Word document file; it is the default file format used in Microsoft Word 1997-2003. On the other hand, the newer versions of Microsoft Word (2007+) use the Word (.DOCX) file extension by default. No doubt both Word (DOC or DOCX) files contain formatted text and even also include images, tables, charts, and other document elements. But, sometimes users need to convert DOC files to and from different compatible extensions; here the DOC converter makes sense. Nowadays, DOCX files are widely used in home, academic, and business environments, so consider Word converter to perform DOC or DOCX file conversions. DOC files store data in a single binary file, while DOCX files have the ability to save data as separate files and folders in a compressed ZIP package. To begin Word file conversions, our online DOCX converter allows you to do WORD (DOC or DOCX) conversions for free without affecting the original formatting.