Excel Converter

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Use this online Excel converter for free that lets you convert files to and from Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) files for free. Quit worrying as the Excel conversions are only a couple of steps away with the assistance of this free XLS converter online.

What is an Excel File Format? 

Excel (Xls or Xlsx) is a spreadsheet program that was created and published by Microsoft. Even it a indicated as a component of the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. 

Moreover, the excel format was original code-named as Odyssey while developing. First, it was released on September 30, 1985. Even now you use an online XLSX converter that can allow you to convert files to excel and vice versa for free of cost. 

What is Excel Used For?

Microsoft Excel files are used to swiftly format, organize, and even calculate data in a spreadsheet. You can find that data analysts and others can use excel for organizing data through which the information becomes easy to fetch. Also, an MS Excel spreadsheet is loaded with a large number of boxes known as cells that are simply ordered in rows and columns. Besides that, you can be able to export any file as xlsx for free with the use of an Excel spreadsheet converter.

How to Open Excel File?

These are the well-known programs that help you to open Excel (xls or xlsx) file format:

For Windows:

  • File Viewer Plus  —  Get it from Microsoft (Free+)
  • Microsoft Excel 365 (Free Trial)
  • Corel Quattro Pro 2021 (Free Trial)
  • OpenOffice Calc (Free)
  • Kingsoft Spreadsheets (Free+)
  • SoftMaker Office (Free Trial)
  • LibreOffice (Free)

For Mac:

  • Microsoft Excel 365 (Free Trial)
  • Apple Numbers (Included with OS)
  • OpenOffice Calc (Free)
  • Planamesa NeoOffice (Paid)
  • LibreOffice (Free)

For Linux:

  • OpenOffice Calc (Free)
  • Gnumeric (Free)
  • LibreOffice (Free)

For Web:

  • Microsoft Excel 365 (Free Trial)
  • Google Sheets (Free)
  • Google Drive (Free+)
  • Polaris Office Web Sheet (Free)

For iOS:

  • Microsoft Office (Free+)
  • Microsoft Excel (Free+)
  • Apple Numbers (Free)
  • Google Sheets (Free)
  • MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro (Free+)
  • Infraware Polaris Office (Free)
  • Google Drive (Free)

For Android:

  • File Viewer for Android (Free+)
  • Microsoft Office (Free+)
  • Microsoft Excel (Free+)
  • Google Sheets (Free)
  • Kingsoft WPS Office for Android (Free+)
  • MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro (Free+)
  • Google Drive (Free+)
  • SoftMaker Office HD: PlanMaker BASIC (Free+)

For Chrome OS:

  • Google Sheets (Free)
  • Microsoft Excel (Free+) 

Apart from that, give a try free Excel converter that does not distort while converting files to and from Excel.

How to Convert Xls or Xlsx File?

There are several spreadsheet applications such as Mircosoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and LibreOffice Calc that lets you convert Xlsx spreadsheets to other formats. 

In Microsoft Excel Windows and Mac versions, you simply need to choose File > Save As to export XLSX files as following formats:

  • .XLSX - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
  • .XLSB - Microsoft Excel Binary Spreadsheet
  • .ODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet
  • .PDF - Portable Document Format
  • .XPS - XML Paper Specification (Windows only)
  • .CSV - Comma-Separated Values
  • .DIF - Data Interchange Format
  • .RTF - Rich Text Format
  • .TXT - Plain Text
  • .HTM, .HTML - HTML Webpage
  • .XML - Extensible Markup Language
  • .MHT, .MHTML - MIME HTML Archive

Besides that, now just upload Excel (xls or xlsx) file into our online xlsx converter and lets it proceed with instant conversions right now.

How does the Excel File converter work?

This free Excel converter online comes with simple and straightforward steps to provide you with conversions without any disruption.

Step 1:

  • Upload a file, and explore the drop-down menu either you need to convert file to excel or vice versa. Besides browsing files, you can also make drag and drop and add files by URL

Step 2:

  • Click the “Convert” Button

Step 3:

  • Save the newly converted file instantly by clicking a Download button

What are the Different Versions of Microsoft Excel?

Remember that Microsoft Excel is packed with several versions throughout its history. Let's take a look at the given list to fetch the different releases with their release date:

Windows Versions:

  • Excel 2016 and 97
  • Excel 2019, released in 2018
  • Office 365 and Excel 2016, released in 2016
  • Excel 2013, released in 2013
  • Excel 2010, released in 2010
  • Excel 2007, released in 2007
  • Excel 2003, released in 2003
  • Excel 2002, released in 2002
  • Excel 2000, released in 2000
  • Excel 97, released in 1997
  • Excel 95, released in 1995
  • Excel 5.0, released in 1993
  • Excel 4.0, released in 1992
  • Excel 3.0, released in 1990
  • Excel 2.0, released in 1987

Mac Versions:

  • Excel 1.0
  • Excel 2019, released in 2018
  • Excel 2016, released in 2016
  • Excel 2011, released in 2011
  • Excel 2008, released in 2008
  • Excel 2004, released in 2004
  • Excel 2001, released in 2001
  • Excel 2000, released in 2000
  • Excel 98, released in 1998
  • Excel 5.0, released in 1993
  • Excel 4.0, released in 1992
  • Excel 3.0, released in 1990
  • Excel 2.2, released in 1989
  • Excel 1.5, released in 1988
  • Excel 1, released in 1985


How do you change a file to XLSX?

  • Make a click on the Office button, then choose the Convert button
  • Also, you can try opening the .xls spreadsheet file in Excel > then simply use the Save As command to save it as an “Excel Workbook”
  • Once you choose that file type, you can find that the file extension will be xlsx and you can even delete the old xls version

How do I make Excel default to XLSX?

Here you come to know how to set Excel as the default app to open .xls spreadsheet files:

  • At first, you need to choose the Windows icon in the start bar
  • From the given Search Bar, simply type “Default Programs”
  • Then, you ought to make a click on the “Default Programs”
  • Now, you have to wait for the app to start, then just choose “Set your default programs”
  • Finally, you simply need to find the desired Excel version in the list

Is there a free Excel viewer?

Microsoft Excel Viewer is indicated as a free program that allows you to view and print MS spreadsheet documents without having the program installed on your PC. 

What's the difference between XLS and XLSX?

Remember that both xls and xlsx are extensions that are used in Microsoft Excel format. You can find that the .xls file format is indicated as an older format that was used by MS Excel in 2003 and earlier. While Microsoft introduced the new .xlsx file format in 2007 that is based on the Open XML (Extensible Markup Language) standard. If you have MS Excel 2003 and earlier versions, you simply have to download the free Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack to open, edit, and save .xlsx files. No matter whether you have xls or xlsx files, our free Excel converter allows you to proceed with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet conversions online.    

Can I convert multiple Excel files?

You can use an online XLS converter that is 100% free and allow you to proceed with single or batch files conversion.

How do you insert a file into Excel?

  • Make a click on the cell of the spreadsheet where you need to insert the object
  • Now, on the given insert tab, in the Text group, simply make a click on the Object
  • From the File tab, make a tap on the Create button
  • Just make a click on the Browse and simply choose the file that you want to insert

Is it safe to convert the Excel file using this free Excel converter?

No matter whether you can make single or bunches of Excel files conversion, this will handle your files safely as it deleted them permanently from the source of the server after conversion.