PDF To PS Converter

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Why Convert PDF to PS?

A PDF document file can be any length and even comes with any number of fonts and images. The Adobe document files are designed to enable the creation and transfer of printer-ready output. On the other hand, PS (Postscript) is still used as an intermediate file type as it is a fully-fledged programming language that allows computing graphics, which PDF doesn't. Thus, users typically account for free PDF to Postscript converter to process particular conversions. Well, converting a PDF document file to a PostScript image makes sense for unattended server-based printing on any PostScript printer.

How to Convert PDF to PS Online?

An online PDF to PS converter is an extremely easy and intuitive way of converting Portable Document Format (PDF) file to Adobe PostScript (PS) image. Steps are:

Step 1:

  • Import single or multiple PDFs or select or drop file onto a given box of this tool

Step 2:

  • Specify the tool to commence the conversions process by clicking the “Convert” button

Step 3:

  • Press “Download” and export files into your drive


How to convert PDF to PS using Inkscape?

  • Follow these steps to save PDF as PS using Inkscape:
  • You have to import a PDF document while choosing the pages that you need to open
  • Now, if you need to manually draw over PDF, then apply filters, or simply make other adjustments to PDF document, you can also use available paint and editing tools
  • Finally, use Save As feature and choose PS as the output format to convert the input PDF document page to a PS image

How to convert PDF to PS in GIMP?

  • In the first step, you just ought to import a PDF file while choosing the range of pages that you prefer to open. You can be able to import PDF pages as layers or separate images
  • Now, you can use editing and painting tools in order to edit the input PDF page
  • At last, initiate PDF to PS conversion by clicking on File > Export As option. Also, you can easily set PostScript level, rotation, image size, and even other output parameters before conversion

Apart from GIMP, use a handy online PDF to PS converter that to do such conversions immediately!