MP4 To AVI Converter

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Why Convert Mp4 to AVI?

Both mp4 and avi are the two well-known media formats that are used to store a PC or smartphone video file. Whereas, these file formats are highly great for media streaming.  However, there are numerous situations when you people require to convert mp4 videos to the AVI format. Typically, users are prone to such conversion when the installed media player or software does not compatible with the mp4 file format, and here the user has no other option but to convert MPEG-4 extension to AVI to play the video. Well, if you are also encountered with the same situation, there is no secret more that you should have to look for the best mp4 file to avi converter online. Well, we make easier your hunting job, just follow the steps that we’re going to mention below. 

How to convert Mp4 to AVI online?

Our online Mp4 to Avi converter preserves the original quality of your video while performing conversions, juts follow these steps:

Step 1:

  • Upload or drag and drop your mp4 format file into the given toolbox

Step 2:

  • Press Convert

Step 3:

  • Download the converted AVI with the assistance of the Download button

Also, when it comes to Mp4 (MPEG-4) video to AVI batch conversions, this converter does that in seconds.