PPT Converter

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The best online PPT converter helps you to convert files to and from Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT or PPTX) file extensions in instant. PPT is the binary file format that is used as the default file presentation format for MS office 1997-2003. Sometimes, users may need a printable copy of a presentation for distribution; here an online PPT converter makes sense of conversions. On the other hand, PPTX is referred to as XML-based file format that is part of the MS Office Open-XML, it is introduced as part of MS Office 2007 and later. However, our online PPTX converter is designed to perform quality conversions from and to PPTX as well as PPT online; it entirely depends on your need. PowerPoint (PPTX/PPT) files are typically store collections of records and structures that including slides, pictures, shapes, audio, text, video, and other presentation elements. This online PowerPoint converter is fully free for conversions and supports all OS and devices for user convenience.