HTML To PDF Converter

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In this informative context, we are going to tell you how to save webpage as pdf with an online converter and much more related HTML code to PDF conversions. 

Why Convert Html to PDF?

HTML stands for (HyperText Markup Language), which is indicated as the main programming language that is used to create web pages. Moreover, mainly the information that your web browser displays is created by HTML. The most obvious principle upon which HTML works concentrates mainly on the structure of the information regardless of its appearance. This is something that makes HTML files more reusable and even assists the browsers to show the visual data. On the other hand, PDF (Portable Document Format) is a universal format that remains no matter on which device you are viewing it. Besides the web development, converting html to pdf is highly beneficial to common users as well as business owners. You could give a try to our best html to PDF converter free to turn html into pdf online without manual intervention. Well, there are a few more reasons for converting html notes to PDF documents. 

Let’s find it!

View and Read Offline:

If you don’t have adequate internet data to use, then quit worrying more. Now, you could readily convert website URL to pdf and read them offline anywhere and anytime you want. However, HTML converted to PDF documents does not need the internet since they’re already from code to flat document that shows the whole layout and data.

Easy to Share and Print:

Bear in mind that PDF format preserves the exact appearance of images as well as the text of a document, no matter what device or operating system is using to view it – hence printing your document files will not lead to a perplexing layout.

When it comes to printing a webpage, what appears on the paper is not at all the same as what is on the device screen. But thanks to HTML to PDF converter online that convert HTML (Webpage) to PDF while maintaining the same fonts, images, and layouts of the documents in print. Once printed, you could easily share it where ever you want!

Compressed data:

PDF supports the advanced compression method, which means that it takes little storage on a hard drive even with so much data. Don’t fret because even with compressed data, your converted HTML code to PDF still retains the original data and layouts of a webpage. So, the best html to pdf converter is the ultimate source for webpage to pdf conversions without distorting the quality. 

How to Convert HTML to PDF Online?

You can use our HTML to PDF converter online helps to convert html or web-based (web-processed) files to PDF documents. Even our converter lets you convert multiple web pages (URL) or html files at once to PDF files. Follow these steps to download website as pdf right now:

Step 1:

  • Upload html file or just website URL into a designated toolbox

Step 2:

  • Click the “Convert” button

Step 3:

  • Click the “Download” button to save html or website as PDF. Also, if you added multiple files or webpages, you can be able to download converted PDF documents at once


How do I convert HTML email to PDF?

You just have to open the HTML email that you saved in Microsoft Word. Choose File (the option at the top), then click on the Save As. Finally, you need to choose the PDF format and click Save.

Is HTML better than PDF?

An HTML is indicated as the computer format that does not require any additional software to proceed. If there were any visuals (images or graphs) in the original file, they may not always be included in the HTML file or even may look different. Whereas, PDF file format is more detailed and is typically the better to work with. Thus, PDF is the professional’s choice and they typically use online HTML to PDF converter to convert html document to pdf file.

How to convert Chrome to PDF?

Read on to know how to convert Chrome Html to PDF:

  • At first, simply browse to the desired webpage
  • Very next, make a click on the More Options button (the three vertical dots "â‹®" on the far-left of the browser’s top bar
  • Then, you need to make a click on the Print option
  • Now, you just have to simply change the Destination to Save As PDF
  • Finally, just navigate to the location where you like to save your new PDF document and make a tap on Save

How do I batch convert HTML files to PDF?

An online Html to PDF converter free is a fast source that lets you batch convert Web Pages (.html files) or websites into fully professional-quality PDF document format. 

How to Save HTML As PDF File on Mac?

There’s no doubt that almost web browsers can open Html files. Using Safari browser allows you to save the HTML file on your MAC. 

Step 1: Open HTML File

  • Make a double click on the target html file to open it by using or any other browser

Step 2. Print the Page

  • On the given top menu, you have to choose the File > Print button to simply open the Print dialog window

Step 3. Save HTML as PDF on Mac

  • At the bottom, you have to simply choose the option to “Save as PDF”. Finally, you can save the Html as a PDF on Mac

How to convert html to pdf on iPhone?

These are the steps to do it:

  • Open up Safari browser on your iPhone
  • Very next, you need to navigate to the webpage that you want to save as pdf
  • Make a click on the Share button (the square with the upwards arrow)
  • On the bottom bar, you ought to simply swipe to the left several times until you find the “Create PDF” option
  • Click on the “Create PDF” button
  • From there, you can be able to edit your PDF file with markup tools by simply tapping on the pen icon that is on the top right of the screen, or you can print it, save it, or just simply share it by using the given Share icon at the bottom of the screen

From your iPhone, you could use an online webpage to pdf converter to save a webpage as pdf for free. 

Wrapping-it Up:

Both HTML and PDF have major differences, one is indicated as a computer language and the other is a well-known document format. No doubt that both are crucially important and serve different purposes. However, PDF is a universal format as it can entirely show detailed documents, even the printout of the PDF documents come out exactly as you can see on the screen. That’s people preferred PDF format instead of HTML file. And if you already created HTML files, then don’t worry as our best Html to pdf converter free allows you to turn it into PDF.