Why Convert WPS to PDF?
WPS is a well-known file format that is created by the Microsoft Works word processor software. And, Microsoft has discontinued this document format in 2006, replacing it with the MS Word (DOC) file extension. No doubt that working with the WPS text files can prove quite problematic as it is limited to specific devices as well as applications. The solution is pretty you can change WPS document file into a convenient format like Adobe PDF. Well, to do so, thanks to theonlineconverter that provides you with the free WPS file to PDF converter to turn WPS into PDF.
How to Convert WPS to PDF Online?
The ease-to-use interface of this online WPS to PDF converter featuring simple and straightforward instructions that help to convert WPS (Microsoft Works Document) into quality Adobe PDF.
Step 1:
- Drag & drop or add single or more WPS (Microsoft Works) format files into the converter
Step 2:
- When the files are successfully uploaded, press “Convert”
Step 3:
- Simply, wait patiently as the file’s conversion process takes few moments, once the process is complete, press “Download” and save the files to desired location
How to Convert WPS to PDF in Microsoft Word 2010?
Follow these instructions to save WPS as PDF in MS word 2010:
- Open MS word 2010 and make a click on the file tab. There you have to choose the “open” option
- Once the “Open” window appears, make a tap on the “File type” box and select the “*.wps” file extension
- Very next, you have to choose the WPS (Microsoft Works) format file that wants to convert with the assistance of the file browser, and then choose “open”
- Once the WPS file opens in MS Word, then again you have to navigate to the “File” option and choose “Save as” from the menu
- Now, in the “Save as type” list, you ought to choose the Adobe “PDF” option
- Once the “Save as” window appears there, simply give a name to the file in the File Name box. Also, you need to specify a location where you need to save WPS file as a PDF
- Then, make a click on the “Save” button to complete the conversion
Can I convert WPS File to PDF Document on Mac OS or Linux?
Yes, you can convert WPS files into PDF documents on any OS and device in three simple steps given by our WPS to PDF converter.
No doubt that .WPS resembles .DOC extension, but lacks advanced formatting features, even also the macros available icon word document. Although WPS file format has been discontinued in 2006 but still can open on some of the Microsoft Office versions. But, if your aim to transform your WPS document into easier to share format, then convert it into PDF by using an online WPS to PDF converter. There are certain programs that let you open WPS files including File Viewer Plus, Microsoft Works, LibreOffice, OxygenOffice Professional, Planamesa NeoOffice, and Microsoft.