ODT To PDF Converter

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Why Convert ODT to PDF?

No doubt that ODT files can comes with formatted text, drawn objects, images, and tables. Remember that Open Document files are typically created by freeware word processors and even referred to as a low-cost solution for creating business or personal documents. However, if you share an ODT document file in its native format, then typically not be readable by everyone.

Well, if you are sharing ODT files with someone who uses the libreoffice, openoffice, or other compatible software, normally there isn’t a problem. But if you would prefer them accessible to everyone you have to convert .ODT to PDF prior sharing. Use this given online ODT document to PDF converter through which you could turn ODT into PDF whenever you required.

How to Convert ODT to PDF Online?

Use our online ODT to PDF converter that let’s you to save ODT file as PDF without having to install any software. Let’s find:

Step 1:

  • Just drag and drop the ODT file or use Add file icon from the toolbox to manually add file

Step 2:

  • You can see that ODT document file will uploaded within couple of seconds, and then press “convert” button

Step 3:

  • Download the new Adobe PDF file when the conversion is completed

Note: Our online converter also helps you even if your preference is to convert multiple ODT document files to PDF documents.


How to convert ODT to PDF in windows 10?

The Adobe Acrobat DC is best to do so, just follow these simple steps to convert PDT text files to PDF:

  • First, open Acrobat, and then simply navigate the Create PDF option from the Tools menu
  • Now, make tap on Select A file and then navigate to the location your ODT document file
  • Then, make a tap on the ODT (Open Document Text) file, which you want to convert
  • Now, choose Create
  • Finally, you need to tap on the save icon to save your new Adobe PDF to the desired location

How to Convert ODT Document to PDF on Mac?

Our ODT to PDF converter supports to transform ODT files into PDF on any operating system such as (Linux, macOS, as well as Windows).

Well, if you required to assure the compatibility for your documents that is created in the ODT file format, you have to convert them to Adobe PDF before sharing with others. Remember that PDF file format can be read by anyone across all OS (Operating Systems) and convenient format for sharing.