Compress PDF

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Remember that compression by this pdf compressor online only reduces bits by identifying and eliminating statistical redundancy. Pdf file size reduction is done legitimately; no file information is lost during compression. 

Before knowing how to resize pdf file online, let’s depict why PDF compression is required!

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Why Need to Compress PDF File?

PDF compression is a well-known term that is considered when you reduce the storage that the PDF file takes up. An online pdf file size reducer is the best solution to compress PDF without affecting the layout of the file. 

Well, read to know the importance of compressing PDF (Portable Document Format) file. No doubt that the main reason to compress PDF Files is just simply to reduce the size and make it easier to share through different platforms. But there are lots of more where compression of PDF works great!

Save Space: 

Yes, bulk size clearly referred to as more space. So, use a Pdf size reducer that is specifically designed to reduce pdf size online and say goodbye to all bulky PDFs. Remember that .PDF with special lossless compression skills, images as well as documents (context) maintain their quality even it is compressed. Also, it is depicted that compression is the thing that avoids clog storage and even frees up space to make room for more data. It doesn’t matter whether you want to compress pdf to 100kb, 200kb, 300kb, or less, our best PDF compressor online significantly reduce pdf file size according to your preference. 

Faster Speed:

Remember that faster sending or downloading speed typically doesn’t require to be higher data plans from the internet service provider. Adobe PDF compression assists in faster transactions as it entirely reduces the amount of time that it takes to send or download files. This is all because the PDF file is decreased. So, if you need faster transaction of your PDF, use pdf size reducer that efficiently resize pdf file online.


Once you compress pdf file size, it makes the file compatible for sending/sharing. People often blame the limited disk space in emails, but it’s time to thanks compression. PDF compressed files will not only be compatible with email, but it also always readies for printing large formats and web uploads. So, it’s crucial to reduce the size of the Pdf to solve your compatibility issues. Here you have to consider our pdf shrinker through which you can compress/shrink PDF online while keeping the quality high. 

Less Cost:

No doubt that smaller files clearly indicate that smaller requirements, thus you can see that organizations that run a network can significantly reduce their “costs in disk space, equipment, and even bandwidth that needed to store & transmit data.” This means that both storages as well as data can be maximized with compressed files. Theonlineconverter provides with best PDF optimizer that will take a PDF and reduce its file size by great compression technique. 

Thankfully you come to know about the most basic reasons for compressing Adobe PDF. Our PDF minimizer is the best way to decrease the size of PDF for free. 

How to Compress PDF File Online?

Our PDF compressor online free helps to compress your PDF size at an optimal level, which means it tries its best to preserve the quality of the original file after compression. Your large or small Pdf size reduce online in seconds with the given steps, let’s move right now:

Step 1:

At first, upload or drag and drop your PDF file into pdf file compressor

Step 2:

Now, press the “Compress” button and let a PDF optimizer shrink PDF file

Step 3:

Finally, the PDF compressed file is ready to download, press the “Download” button and save it to your desired location

Note: This PDF reducer supports batch PDF compression (means you can compress multiple PDFs at once).


How to Compress Large PDF?

Whether you want to compress large, small, or medium Adobe PDF documents, our online PDF compressor offered the same procedure. However, usually, the PDF shrinker takes a couple of seconds more for processing with large PDFs, so a bit of patience is required.

Is there a PDF file size limit?

No there’s not an exact limitation of a file, you can either upload small or large PDF documents into our PDF optimizer for compressing it optimally. Get the same PDF quality but less file size with this tool. 

How do I check my PDF file size?

To check the file size of your Adobe PDF, simply open the document in free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Then, you have to choose File > Properties. There you will see that the file size listed in the Document Properties Description tab. 

Why is my PDF file too big?

There are two well-known reasons why your Adobe PDF file size can be "disproportionally" large.

  1. First, when one or more fonts are stored inside the PDF document, the file size becomes large. Remember that fonts are the elements that can be subsetted and embedded right into PDF documents. It is said that adding just a single font to a PDF file may increase the file size by 400 to 600KB.
  2. The second reason is that when you using images (graphics) for creating PDF document files. It is highly noticed that the resolution and even the big-depth of images greatly affects overall file size

Now, there are no more bounce backs with larger emails, using our best PDF compressor online resize pdf files accurately, so they easily fit within your mailbox limits. 

How do I make a PDF file smaller so I can upload it?

Just drag & drop a file into our PDF size compressor that you want to make smaller, it shrink pdf within seconds. So, download the shrank PDF and share it. You ought to compress large PDF files instead and keep your documents small and intact. 

Why do I need to compress PDF 100kb?

There are numerous programs that require you to trim (downsize) Adobe PDF files to be 300kb, 200kb, 100kb, or even below to simply stay under set sending limits. Our pdf resizer online is the free and the best way for particular PDF files to decrease. 

How to reduce pdf size without losing the quality?

Don’t worry, our Adobe PDF file compressor preserves the quality of the original PDF and does not affect the layout of your document after compression.

When it comes to sending files via e-mail or uploading them to the website, you have to pay full attention to “File Size”. Since Adobe PDF is the universal file format for sharing documents, you should compress it for faster sharing with our free PDF compressor.