Every Single Element of PDF Can Be Converted into PPT/PPTX:
Your Adobe PDF document will completely convert to a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation slide when you using our PDF to PPTX converter free. Remember that every page of your PDF file will turn into an individual (new) slide in PowerPoint. The elements that come within your original PDF document file will still appear as elements in the MS PowerPoint slides unless all those elements were merged into an image in the PDF file. In such a specific case, simply the full image converts from Pdf to MS PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) as a single element.
Get Editable PowerPoint Slides From PDF:
When you convert PDF files to PowerPoint with our PDF to PPT converter online, your converted files will be completely editable. Also, you can add elements of your choice into your files that are exclusive to PowerPoint (PPT/PPTX) online.
Preserved Page Layout While Converting PDF to MS PowerPoint:
When you’re using our free PDF to PPTX converter online to turn PDF into PPTX, you won’t even notice the single change in your slides. All the PowerPoint Presentation slides in your newly generated document will appear exactly as they did as pages in the uploaded PDFs.
Why Convert PDF to PPT?
No doubt that there are numerous reasons to convert a PDF file to a PowerPoint Presentation slide. It could be indicated as simple as creating the presentation slides from an existing document file, or you may just require to make editing and additions to the content in your Adobe PDF to make an optimal presentation. Well, whatever the reason is, the easiest way to save PDF as PPT or PPTX slides using a free PDF to PowerPoint converter online.
How to Convert PDF to PPT Online?
Our PDF to PPT converter online is ideal for converting your PDF document format into PPT or PPTX PowerPoint format. Saving your presentation slides from PDF becomes simple with these steps:
Step 1:
- Click in the above toolbox to upload a PDF file or just drag & drop it on the same box
Step 2:
- The tool starts uploading a PDF file, once uploaded, hit the “Convert” button
Step 3:
- Wait for the extraction to complete and save PPT/PPTX presentation file by pressing the “Download” button
However, our PDF to PPT converter is free-way that supports batch PDF to PPTX/PPT conversions, which means you could convert more than one PDF to Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation.
How to convert PDF to PowerPoint using Adobe Acrobat DC?
These steps are the right way to turn PDF into MS PowerPoint:
- Open an Adobe PDF document in Acrobat DC
- In the right pane, click “Export PDF”
- Now, just select the “Microsoft PowerPoint” as the export format
- Click “Export”. If the PDF document consists of scanned text, then Adobe Acrobat will run OCR “Optimal Character Recognition automatically
- Finally, name your file and make a click on the “Save” button to save PDF as PPT. You have done!
How to convert PDF to PPT on Mac?
To convert PDF to PPTX/PPT you have to stick with these steps:
- First, open PDF document file in “PDF Element”
- Edit PDF file (if required)
- Click “File menu” and then move to "Export To" > "PowerPoint"
- Now, you can set up the options for conversions from the pop-up window
- Once you’ve done, click the “save” button to start converting PDF to Microsoft PowerPoint
Well, use our PDF to PPT converter online on Windows, Mac, Linux computers, and Android and iOS devices. You just need an active internet connection is required to proceed PDF to Microsoft PowerPoint conversions with this converter.
How to Insert Text from a PDF to PowerPoint?
To commence, open your PDF document file using Adobe Reader
- Then, move to Tools > Basic > Select
- Next, choose the text that you want to copy
- Now, choose Edit > Copy
- Then, open PowerPoint and simply display the slider where you need to insert your PDF text
- Finally, choose Home > Paste or simply press Ctrl+V
How do I open a PDF in PowerPoint for free?
All you have to use Acrobat on your device and open the document in the Reader. Now, you need to choose the Export PDF option and just specify the MS PowerPoint format. Finally, you have to specify the name of the new file and its location.
Well, whenever you need to represent your single or multiple PDF pages as Microsoft PowerPoint Slides, then our online PPT to PDF converter free is the best way to go. This free converter quickly convert PDF to PPTX or PPT while preserving the formatting of the output file. Get professional conversions, and even no registration is required for proceeding.