MP3 to M4R Converter

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Why Convert Mp3 to M4R?

Mp3 is the most commonly used audio file format that comes in small size, easy to transfer, share, and store. Moreover, this media format supports playback typically on all types of devices as most audio files are downloaded from the internet are in .mp3 extension. 

On the other hand, M4R is referred to as an iPhone ringtone file format that generally is renamed AAC file (.m4a). Remember that iPhone supports only M4R as the ringtone format, and thus if you need to use your favorite audio track as a customized iPhone ringtone, here MP3 file to M4R conversion is a must. For your convenience, a free mp3 to M4R converter that quickly convert mp3 to iphone ringtone m4r format without losing the sound quality. However, you could either consider the ringtones that already come with the Apple device or just purchase more from the iTunes store. If that’s not your preferences, then it’s time to transform mp3 into M4r with our converter. 

How to Convert Mp3 to M4R Online?

Our Mp3 to M4r converter takes a couple of seconds to do single or multiple mp3 files to m4r conversions, let’s find:

Step 1:

  • Upload or drag and drop mp3 audio track file that you wish to convert M4r iPhone ringtone format

Step 2:

  • Press Convert

Step 3:

  • The download button is ready for you, press it and save Mp3 as M4a on your preferred storage


How to transfer converted m4r ringtone to iPhone directly?

  • At first, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer via a USB cable
  • Then, move to  these options: “Manage” > “Music” > “Ringtone” > “Import”, and simply choose your M4R file format from the local storage to your iPhone

How to convert mp3 to m4r on iTunes?

  • First of all, you have to ahead to the iTunes app in Finder, and run it
  • From the menu, you need to choose Preferences>General>Import Settings
  • Now, you need to select AAC Encoder from Import Using, then make a tap on OK to save the settings
  • Very next, you have to move to your iTunes Library, then select the Purchased iTunes Mp3 song, and make a right-click to Convert> Create AAC Version
  • Finally, you ought to change the file extension of created AAC file to .M4R, then your Mp3 track file is converted to M4R using iTunes

For instant conversion on iPhone, simply navigate to our free Mp3 to M4R converter, upload Mp3 file, and get converted M4R iPhone ringtone file. 

How to Convert MP3 to M4R Online Free with Ringtone Maker?

  • To start, you need to navigate to Ringtone Maker
  • Then, add mp3 audio files
  • Very next, you have to select each Mp3 file and edit it for ringtone making, you can play, even repeat or trim
  • Now, you have to choose file format as M4R, and make a click on the Ringtone to convert Mp3 sound file to M4R online
  • Finally, Preview the M4R iPhone ringtone file and download it to your system

Can I convert mp3 file to M4R on Windows, Mac, Linux with Mp3 to M4R converter?

Yes, give it a try and get quality conversions from Mp3 audio file to M4R iPhone ringtone file on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone. 

Although Mp3 is the popular file format, iPhone users can’t consider it as their ringtone format. That’s all because the iPhone uses the M4R extension as the default audio format. Luckily, you could change mp3 extension file to M4R by using our converter with lossless quality.