HTML Converter

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Use this online HTML converter that lets you convert files into accurate and precise quality HTML format. The great thing is that this HTML file converter allows you to process batch HTML conversions for free of cost. Just make a couple of taps to convert webpage to different compatible file formats without any disruption.

What is an HTML File?

An HTML packed with Hypertext Mark Language (HTML) that assists in formatting the structure of a webpage. Moreover, it is stored in a standard format and consists of different tags that entirely express the page layout and the content of the webpage that including tables, text, images, and hyperlinks. Keep in mind that HTML file format is mostly used online and simply displayed in web browsers. Moreover specifically, HTML is referred to as a universally accepted standard language in which Web-Pages are written. That’s why we designed a free HTML converter through which any file can convert to html code and vice versa without any quality distortion. 


In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee and other CERN engineers developed HTML for web browsers to interpret and display webpages. Since it was introduced, it comes into the picture for standard web development and even comes with multiple revisions that include:

  • HTML 2 (1995)
  • HTML 3 (January 1997)
  • HTML 4 (December 1997)
  • HTML 5 (2014)

The WHATWG which is an acronym for Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group works best to develop and advances HTML. This group was founded in 2004 and loaded with major browser developers such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Mozilla. 

How to Open an HTML File?

There are several programs that assist you to open HTML files:

For Windows:

  • File Viewer Plus (Free Trial)
  • Any web browser
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • W3C Amaya (Free)
  • Adobe Dreamweaver 2021 (Free Trial)
  • Adobe ColdFusion Builder (Free Trial)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (Free+)
  • Blumentals WeBuilder (Free Trial)
  • KompoZer (Free)
  • Notepad++ (Free)
  • Brackets (Free)
  • Any text editor

For Mac:

  • Any web browser
  • Adobe Dreamweaver 2021 (Free Trial)
  • Adobe ColdFusion Builder (Free Trial)
  • W3C Amaya (Free)
  • KompoZer (Free)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • Brackets (Free)
  • Any text editor

For Linux:

  • Any web browser
  • Any text editor
  • W3C Amaya (Free)
  • KompoZer (Free)
  • SCREEM (Free)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code

For iOS:

  • Any web browser
  • Alexander Blach Textastic Code Editor (Paid)

For Android:

  • File Viewer for Android (Free)
  • Any web browser

For Chrome OS:

  • Google Chrome Text (Included with OS)
  • Any web browser

If you don’t have an access to Html viewer, then simply try an online Html converter that converts basic text and other file types to HTML code within no time. 

How Does HTML Converter Online Work? 

Now you can convert file to HTML and vice versa within three simple and easy-to-follow steps offered by this Hypertext Markup Language converter. Let's find:

Step 1:

  • Just upload a file that you want to change to HTML format and vice versa, then choose the output format with which you want to proceed with the HTML file conversions

Step 2:

  • Now, hit the Convert button

Step 3:

  • At last, download the converted file and save it to the desired location


Can I edit HTML in Chrome?

All you need to make a right-click on the HTML file in the “Elements” tab and choose the “Edit as HTML” option, you can even make live editing for the markup of a webpage, once you are done editing, the Chrome will instant makes rendering.

How do I open an HTML file in Chrome?

  1. At first, you need to find the HTML code file that aims to view, then make a right-click on it, and simply select the Open with from the given menu. Here you will find a full list of applications that you can consider to proceed with your file. You can see that your default browser will be at the top of the given list
  2. Now, you simply have to choose the Google Chrome from the given list, and just view your file in the browser

Can I convert multiple HTML files?

Our online HTML converter allows you to convert a batch or multiple files to and from other compatible file formats. 

How do I run an HTML file?

Since all browsers allow you to run HTML files from your hard drive and you can open them instantly from your desktop.

  • Simply you need to press the "Windows-E" to open the Windows Explorer
  • Now, you just need to navigate to the folder that consists of HTML files, respectively
  • Make a double click on the file. Finally, you can see that your default browser displays the HTML document file

Is it safe to convert the HTML formats using this free converter? 

Quit worrying as your converted and uploaded files are removed instantly and permanently from the server, once the conversion process has been done. 

What browser should I use to Convert HTML?

You can use any web-based browser to Convert HTML files such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari.