PNG To EXCEL Converter

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QR Code

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How to convert PNG to Excel Online?

  • Add up to 15 PNG files at once that you want to convert into Excel with OCR
  • Click Convert button
  • Download each xlsx file one-by-one or save all at once by clicking Download All


Can I convert PNG to XLSX on Linux, Mac OS or Android?

Try our PNG to Excel converter for making conversion on Linux, Mac, or Windows and also on Android and iPhone. 

How long does it take to convert PNG to EXCEL?

You can get the converted Excel file from PNG in a few seconds with this online converter.

Can a PNG text be converted to Excel?

Yes, it can be possible with the use of OCR-based PNG to Excel converter that pulls text from existing png and stores it into searchable and editable Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet. 

How do I convert a PNG to Excel without software?

Thanks to this online converter that functions to save png as excel format without installing additional software.