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When it comes to sharing bulk JPG images at once, you simply need to convert them into MS Word document file. This

is where an online converter lets you save JPG images as Word docs while maintaining the resolution.

How to Convert JPG to Word Online?

Follow these steps and let this image to Word converter to convert JPG to MS Word doc file:

Step 1:

  • Add your JPG image file that you want to convert to Word document

Step 2:

  • Click the “Convert” button

Step 3:

  • Hit Download button to save your JPG as doc file online

In addition to that, you can make batch bulk JPG photos to word files at once with this free to use converter. 

Frquently Asked Questions (FAQ's):

Can you convert JPG text in Word?

Yes, all you need to use an online web-based OCR service like theonlineconverter that lets you convert text contains within JPG images to editable MS Word document files for free. 

How to Convert JPG to Word without any software?

Yes sure, you just go-through with three simple steps and let this JPG to Word converter process conversions swiftly without installing any additional program. 

How to convert image to Word using Google Drive?

Step 1:

  • First, you need to Log in to your Google Drive. Once done, upload a JPG photo to your account from your local storage

Step 2:

  • Now, right-click on the JPG file and just open it with Google Docs. You can find that this will start OCR scanning automatically

Step 3:

  • Once the OCR process is completed, you can find that  the JPG image file will open along with some editable text. 

How to convert JPG to Word using Microsoft Word?

  1. First, you need to open a blank document in Microsoft Word. Then, you need to navigate to the Insert > Picture and upload your JPG image file in the MS Word
  2. Very next, (save image as a PDF) File. To do so, you just require to click File option from the taskbar menu and choose Save as to save file as PDF, for instance, on desktop. Now your file will open in Adobe viewing. Close it instantly as we don’t require it
  3. Then, you need to simply navigate to the location where you people have saved your file and make a right-click on it and Open With MS Word
  4. At this point, you will see a Window prompt
  5. Click OK
  6. Finally, your image is converted to a Word document. Now, you can be able to edit your photos text and click Save. 

How to Convert Image to Word on Windows and Mac?

You can convert JPG to Word on Windows, Mac, and Linux OS by using free JPG to doc converter online. Alternatively, you can follow these steps:

Step 1:

  • Open JPG file and press Command +1 on Mac, and Ctrl + Alt + Z on Windows, this will activate a screenshot OCR function

Step 2:

  • Now, hold and drag your mouse/screenshot tool over the JPG image file and simply release your mouse for starting the OCR scan

Step 3:

  • This is where you’ll see a text editor along with extracted JPG text on it. You can also now copy the text and just paste it into yoru MS Word document to save it

How can I convert JPG file to Word on Mobile?

Get our online Photo to Word converter in order to save JPG as Word editable document on your mobile phone.

Thankfully, by now, you should clearly know how to convert JPG to Word (doc) file format. The above  JPG to Word converter not only lets you convert pic to word, even also make it editable after conversion.