JFIF To JPG Converter

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JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) is a variant of JPEG/JPG format. You can consider it as a compressed form of the original JPEG format. JFIF format was used to save the captured images of the cameras but it has become obsolete due to compatibility issues. This issue was solved with the progress made to the JPEG format.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a more advanced and better file format created by the Independent JPEG Group (IJC) for transporting single compressed images. JPG is a lossy image compression that reduces the size of the large images at a little compromise of the quality. The more you will reduce the size, the more it will reduce the quality of the original image. The JPG format is significantly perfect for digital photographs with very little quality loss. That’s why people tend to convert JFIF to JPEG. JPG is the same as JPEG. Anyone can use it to enjoy the small size and the vibrant colors.

Why Convert JFIF to JPEG?

A JFIF format is only accessible by some specific platforms. For instance, if you download a JFIF image and try to upload it to another site then you will not be able to do that. Because the site will not support this format. Therefore, it will require you to turn JFIF into JPG regular image format with an online JFIF to JPEG converter.

How to Convert JFIF to JPG Online?

Use our online JFIF to JPG converter to perform the conversion of your files accurately. It comes with the most convenient steps to turn your JFIF files into JPG. 

Let's have a look on the following steps:

Step 1: 

  • First of all, upload or drag the JFIF image that you want to convert to JPG.

Step 2:

  • After uploading the image, press the Convert button

Step 3:

  • Your file is ready, and you can export JFIF as JPG by just clicking on the download button. 


How to Convert JFIF to JPEG on Windows 10?

Most of the programs of Windows 10 recognize a JFIF image as a JPG image but they can not open it directly. So to open the file, converting JFIF to JPG is necessary and you can easily do that with the help of the built-in program of paint. Follow these steps:

Search for the paint and run it.

  1. Now browse the JFIF image by selecting the “open” option from the file or dragging it into the paint window.  
  2. Click on file, and choose the option of “save as”.
  3. Now select the format of the image and specify the place where you want to save the converted JPEG image.   

You can also use our online JFIF to JPEG converter on Windows 10 to perform hassle-free unlimited conversions with a few clicks.  

Can I Change JFIF To JPG without software installation?

Yes, you can use our JFIF To JPG converter online without installing any software to process optimal and high-quality conversions.

How to convert JFIF to JPG on Mac?

MacOS can not open the files having the .jfif extension. But it can open files in JPG format. So you can easily convert .JFIF to JPG with some simple steps that are listed below.

  • Start the finder and search for the JFIF file that you want to convert.
  • Edit the file name and change the file extension to .JPG and hit enter.
  • A dialog box will appear to confirm that you really wish to convert JFIF file to JPG.   

By using this method, you will not have to install any JFIF to JPG converter. Now the Mac will treat it as a JPEG. You can open it in preview mode and save it as a JPG file to see that the structure is 100 % compatible with the format.

  • To open the file in the preview app, just select the file and double click on it.
  • From the menu bar, click on the file and select the option of “export”.
  • In the format section, set the file name and destination where you want to save the file.
  • Click on save.  

Use our free JFIF to JPEG converter online and convert one or more JFIF images at once. This converter is 100 % compatible with all operating systems.

IS JFIF and JPEG the same?

You can think of JFIF as a compressed form of a JPEG format. With the passage of time, the JPEG format has overcome the compatibility issues of the JFIF.

Converting JFIF to JPG is not a daunting task anymore as our JFIF to JPG converter is a freeware source that does not involve huge manual intervention.