ODT Converter

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Our online ODT converter will efficiently convert file formats to and from ODT files online without any email sign-up. An ODT (OpenDocument Text) is a well-known text document file developed by (OASIS) that is usually created and saved by the free OpenOffice Writer word processor software, also known as StarOffice. We designed an online ODT file converter to do instant conversions to and from the ODT text files without affecting the formatting. However, sometimes it is possible that .ODT extension files are data files rather than documents or media, which clearly indicates that they are not meant to be viewed at all. Here you need a Free ODT converter online that helps you in converting ODT files to different other compatible formats for ease of viewing. You could open ODT files in a variety of word processors such as OpenOffice Write, Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and different others. In fact, the ODT file is similar to a Word file, but if you preferred to do ODT files conversion, then make the right use of our online OpenDocument Text converter!