WMV Converter

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This online WMV converter assists you to convert WMV (Windows Media Video) format to and from other audio or video formats. Get the high-quality WMV conversions right now by using this online Windows Media Video converter free.

What is the WMV File Format?

WMV is an acronym for “Windows Media Video” that was developed by Microsoft as a series of video codecs. It is indicated as a compressed video container format that was specifically created for the Windows Media framework. You can find that WMV files are mostly used for selling video content online or even through HD DVD and Bluray Discs. This is all because the additional feature of “Digital rights management” entirely prevents copying the data from this format. Even it is cross platforms format that works well on Windows and Mac. Even now you can stream any compatible file format as a WMV file by simply making WMV file conversions with an online WMV file converter.

How to Open a WMV file?

Fetch these tools to open WMV file formats right now:

For Windows:

  • File Viewer Plus  —  Get it from Microsoft (Free+)
  • Microsoft Movies & TV (Free)
  • Microsoft Windows Media Player (Included with OS)
  • VideoLAN VLC media player (Free)
  • Nullsoft Winamp (Free)
  • CyberLink PowerDVD 21 (Free Trial)
  • CyberLink PowerDirector 365 (Free Trial)
  • Audials One 2022 (Free Trial)
  • Roxio Creator NXT Pro 9 (Paid)
  • Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate (Free Trial)
  • HandBrake (Free)
  • Kodi (Free)

For Mac:

  • VideoLAN VLC media player (Free)
  • Eltima Elmedia Player (Free)
  • ShedWorx Smart Converter (Free Trial)
  • HandBrake (Free)
  • Kodi (Free)

For Linux:

  • VideoLAN VLC media player (Free)
  • HandBrake (Free)
  • Kodi (Free)

For Web:

  • Google Drive (Free)

For iOS:

  • olimsoft OPlayer (Paid)
  • PentaLoop PlayerXtreme Media Player (Free+)
  • VideoLAN VLC for Mobile (Free)
  • Macca Studios WMV Player  —  Discontinued (Paid)

For Android:

  • J2 Interactive MX Player (Free)
  • Videolabs VLC for Android (Free)

Find difficulty accessing these programs, then thanks to an online WMV converter through which you can convert WMV file to the regular media format.

How to Convert a WMV File?

There are different tools for video conversion such as VideoLAN VLC media player, Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate, Handbrake, and an online WMV converter can convert WMV files to other formats and vice versa. 

For instance, a VLC media player is capable to convert WMV file format to the following video file formats:

●.MP4 - MPEG-4 Video

●.WEBM - WebM Video

●.TS - Video Transport Stream

●.ASF - Advanced Systems Format

No matter whatever the reason behind converting WMV files, our online WMV file converter is designed to convert video to WMV or vice versa. 

How does the WMV Converter Work?

The WMV video file conversion is only three steps away with this online Windows Media Video file converter. Let’s find:

Step 1:

  • First of all, browse the WMV or any other file format, then choose to output format from the drop-down menu for which you want to proceed with conversions

Step 2:

  • Press the convert button and lets this WMV video converter make the conversions instantly

Step 3:

  • Finally, press download and save your converted files swiftly


Can I convert multiple WMV files? 

Unlike other tools, this WMV converter online will let users convert multiple WMV video conversions for free of cost. 

Is it safe to convert the WMV file using this free WMV file converter? 

All the conversions that proceeded on theonlineconverter.com are 100% safe since your files are permanently removed after processing. 

How do I play WMV files on Windows?

In Windows, you can easily stream a WMV video with the assistance of bundled Windows Media Player and Microsoft Movies & TV players. 

Can I convert windows media video format to Linux, Mac OS, or Android?

Obviously, you can! Give a try to this online WMV video converter through any operating system and smart devices and let it performs the particular media file conversion. 

Can Chrome play WMV files?

No Google Chrome will not be able to automatically stream WMV videos as it requires Window Media Player. And, even it does not load with a default plug-in. You ought to simply install a video player to watch or stream web videos on your PC.