RTF Converter

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Our best RTF converter online lets you convert files to and from RTF (Rich Text Format) files online for free. You can convert to RTF document file format without any registration. Keep reading further to know how to convert pages to RTF within fraction of seconds.

What is the RTF File Format?

RTF (Rich Text Format) is a document file that includes a variety of text formattings like bolding, italicization, custom fonts, sizes, custom colors, and images embedded with their text. This file format also provides page formatting options including customizing a document’s margins, line spacing, and tab width.

History of RTF File:

The first and official version of the RTF file format for read as well as write was published in 1987 as a part of Microsoft Word 3.0 for Macintosh, which was implemented with version 1.0 specifications. The final version of specifications, 1.9.1 was published in March 2008 by Microsoft. After that, there is no more enhancements to the specifications are proceeded.

How to Open a Rich Text Document File?

You can open RTF file online with most word processing programs, including:

For Windows:

  • File Viewer Plus (Free Trial)
  • Microsoft WordPad (Included with OS)
  • Microsoft Word 365 (Free Trial)
  • OpenOffice Writer (Free)
  • Corel WordPerfect 2021(Free Trial)
  • AbiSource AbiWord (Free)
  • Any text editor that supports formatted text

For Mac:

  • Apple TextEdit (Included with OS)
  • Apple Pages (Included with OS)
  • Microsoft Word 365 (Free Trial)
  • OpenOffice Writer (Free)
  • AbiSource AbiWord (Free)
  • Wondershare PDFelement (Free Trial)
  • Any text editor that supports formatted text

For Linux:

  • AbiSource AbiWord (Free)
  • OpenOffice Writer (Free)
  • Les Hardy RTF Editor (Free)

For iOS:

  • Google Docs (Free)
  • LibreOffice: Document Reader (Paid)
  • MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro (Free+)

For Android:

  • Google Docs (Free)
  • Microsoft Word (Free+)
  • LibreOffice & OpenOffice document reader (Free+)
  • MobiSystems OfficeSuite Pro (Free+)

For Chrome OS:

  • Google Docs (Free)
  • Microsoft Word (Free+)

What is Rich Text Format Used For?

Rich Text Document is a file format that allows you to exchange test files in different operating systems for example macOS, Windows, or Linux that have word processors. RTF documents are easy to use by using Microsoft Word, AppleWorks, Corel WordPerfect, or another word processing program. You can also save RTF (Rich Text Format) file by selecting “Save As” from the File menu and then choosing the RTF file. 

Moreover, Rich Text File even does not spread viruses. Keep in mind that Microsoft Word macro viruses could show big security problems on the internet. If you sent RTF format rather than DOC files via E-mail, you make sure that harmful macros (contains viruses) won’t be sent to others by mistake and your formatting will be maintained. Even you can also convert to rich text format to other file formats by using RTF converters. 

How to Convert an RTF File?

You can find that most word processors can assist you to convert RTF (Rich Text Format) to other formats.

Moreover, most word processors can allow you to turn rtf rich text format into different other compatible formats.

When it comes to Windows and Mac versions of Microsoft Word, you juts ought to lect File → Save As to convert RTF files to any one of the following file formats:

  • .DOCX - Microsoft Word Document
  • .DOC - Microsoft Word Document (Legacy)
  • .PDF - Portable Document Format
  • .ODT - OpenDocument Text Document
  • .TXT - Plain Text
  • .HTM, .HTML - HTML Webpage
  • .XML - Extensible Markup Language
  • .MHT, .MHTML - MIME HTML Archive
  • .XPS - XML Paper Specification (Windows only)

Besides that, even now files can convert to rich text format and vice versa with the free assistance of an RTF converter. Scroll down to know how it works!

How to Use the RTF Converter Online?

This online RTF file converter comes with a fully-fledged interface that involves only three simple steps to perform conversions. 

Step 1:

  • At first, upload an RTF file or another compatible file format, then choose the output format from the  drop-down menu for which you want to proceed your conversions

Step 2:

  • Press the convert button and lets this converter make the RFT conversions instantly

Step 3:

  • Finally, press download and save your converted files  


Can I convert multiple RTF files?

This free RTF converter lets you perform single and batch RTF file conversions without compromising on quality. 

How do I open an RTF file without Word?

You can use WordPad which is the best and easiest way to open an RTF file in Windows as it’s already installed. If you have a mac, then Apple TextEdit or Apple Pages can be considered to proceed. You just need to make a Double click on the file and lets the programs open it respectively.

How to open RTF files with CorelDRAW?

  1. Launch CorelDRAW
  2. Choose File > Open
  3. Find the RTF file you wish to open
  4. Select the File(s)
  5. Edit & Save Your File!

How long does it take to Convert to RTF files?

RTF file converter works simply and fastly, the conversion is only couple of steps away. 

What does export to RTF mean?

You can easily export current view to an RTF (Rich Text Document Format) file. Remember that once your data is exported to RTF, OLE objects are entirely included, but images are not. Even you can find that unicode and other international data are included as well as encoded in RTF format.