PNG To TIFF Converter

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PNG Vs Tiff:

The PNG image file is said to be a raster image, it indicates that it is constructed piece-by-piece using different sections. It gives lossless compression, which depicts that this file type is capable of transforming into a much smaller size without losing any of the original resolution or quality. 

The TIFF is an acronym for Tagged Image File Format that is a highly secure file type. No doubt, it is indicated as one of the safest image types available. Also, this image format stores metadata within each file, even give users essential information about the image without having to open a file. And, if you prefer to PNG into TIFF, then give it a try to our free converter online!

Why Convert PNG to TIFF?

The PNG is a very basic image format that cannot handle lots of things, which a TIFF file type can. TIFF is well-known to handle large volumes of graphic data. Also, the TIFF image format is best to handle multi-page functionality, something the PNG is not capable of. If your project involves a large number of printed pages, then conversion from PNG to TIFF makes a lot of sense. 

From the organizations dealing with sensitive data like insurance companies, law firms, academic institutions, to businesses dealing with customer records, the TIFF image format has been mainly used as a file type due to its security and quality. If you also prefer such a format, you could try a free PNG to TIFF converter online that provides you the quality results while turning PNGs into TIFFs. 

How to Convert PNG to TIFF Online?

Our PNG to TIFF converter helps in converting your PNG image files to TIFF secure image files in less than a minute. Follow these 3 simple steps to create TIFF from a PNG file. 

Step 1:

  • Upload the PNG file right now, or simply drag/drop an image file into the designated field of the converter. You could add more than a single PNG here

Step 2:

  • Right after, it’s time to make a tap on a “Convert” button, and get a sip of coffee, the conversion is done!

Step 3:

  • Your TIFF File is ready, press a “Download” button and save it on preferred storage


How to convert PNG to TIFF using Windows?

Yes, it is quite easy to save a PNG as a TIFF image file using Windows, here’s what you need to do:

  • Locate the PNG image file that you required to convert 
  • Now, make a right-click on it 
  • Very next, you have to choose “edit” (or simply select “open with” then select “paint”)
  • Then, in the opened paint image, you need to choose the “file” then “save as”
  • Now, in the drop-down box under the naming space, choose TIFF
  • Finally, make a click on a “Save” and congrats your TIFF image file is ready
  • You can also try our PNG to TIFF converter that efficiently converts your PNGs to TIFF files. 

How to convert PNG to TIFF using Mac?

  • First, locate the PNG file that you prefer to convert
  • Now, you need to use “Preview”, make a click on a “file” then choose “Export”
  • Then, you have to choose the “TIFF” from the given list
  • Simply make a tap on “Save”
  • Your new TIFF File is ready

No doubt these are the simple and most basic ways to convert PNG to TIFF. If you don’t want to go through with these steps each time, our PNG to TIFF converter is the way to go that supports all operating system that comes with a web-browser.