PNG To PS Converter

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Why Convert PNG to PS?

PNG is an acronym for Portable Network Graphic format; it is a format that uses a lossless compression algorithm to store raster images. PS (PostScript) is referred to as the format that can be both vector image and document file. The PS format comes with vector images and text at the same time. PS file format holds an instruction about how to print. However, there might be you need to do conversions from PNG to PS for the sharing concerns. You could try a free PNG to PS converter online that is best to save a PNG as a PS file without affecting the quality. 

How to Convert PNG to PS Online?

You can easily convert PNG file extension to PS file extension with the assistance of this free PNG to PS converter online. Give a couple of seconds to follow these steps and create a PS file from PNG right now:

Step 1:

  • Select the PNG file from storage or simply drag a file into the drag/drop designated box. Upload multiple files if you need to convert them at once

Step 2:

  • Click on a “Convert” button, the tool will turn PNG into PS right after a couple of seconds

Step 3:

  • By clicking a “Download” button, you can be able to save your PNG file as a PS file


How long it will take to turn PNG into PS Files?

Don’t worry; an online converter for PNG to PS makes the conversions from PNG files to Post Script within a couple of seconds, since it involves only three simple steps.

Is it safe to convert PNG to PS on theonlineconverter?

Obviously, we delete your files immediately, no one is able to access your files. Don’t fret, conversion from PNG to PS is absolutely safe. 

Can I convert PNG to PS on Mac OS or Linux?

Yes, you can easily access our online PNG to PS converter on any operating system that has a web browser.
Remember that our free converter works online and doesn’t require any software installation. We do our best to provide you with quality conversions from PNG files to Post Script (PS) files.