PNG To ICO Converter

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A PNG Format is used to save the bitmapped (raster) images on the computer. This is the most common graphic format. It was designed and created to replace the GIF format but it cannot be animated like a GIF. PNG format provides you the facility to compress the files without the loss of quality. Meanwhile, the image will not lose its quality after being compressed. This facility makes the PNG format great for drawings, screenshots, diagrams, etc.

On the other hand, an ICO format enables you to store the images for the folders, files, and programs on Microsoft Windows. Meanwhile, it is necessary to change PNG to .ico to associate an image with a folder or certain program on Microsoft Windows. Now with the progress of the internet, ICO has also become an icon format for websites. 

Why Convert PNG to ICO?

If you have PNG regular raster images and your workflow involves to used them for windows icon, then it’s ideal to convert them into ICO format. This is all because ico contains multiple resolutions and bit depths that work tremendously on Windows. Thanks to the free PNG to ICO converter online that is considered for exporting PNG as computer icons (ico) for Windows.

How to Convert PNG to ICO Online?

Below we have listed 3 simple steps that you can follow to convert PNG Files to ICO online. Let this best PNG to ICO converter online makes conversion rapidly:

Step 1:

  • Upload and drag the PNG files that you wish to convert to ICO format

Step 2:

  • Click on the convert button to turn your files into ICO format and wait a few seconds for the completion of the process.  

Step 3:

That's all of it, now your file is ready and you can save PNG as ICO by clicking on the download button.

Moreover, you can now convert multiple PNG images at once into ico computer icon files with the help of this online PNG to ico converter.


Can I Convert PNG images to icons?

Yes, you can easily convert it with the help of a PNG to ICON converter. Select your PNG images, drag them and let it do the rest for you. 

How to convert PNG to ICO Free on Windows?

You need to use the GIMP program to turn PNG into ICO free on Windows:

  1. Get a free copy of GIMP and launch it
  2. Now, you need to drag n drop the PNG image
  3. Navigate to the File > Export As option
  4. Then, you need to expand the Select File Type list, pick ICO format, and click on the Export button
  5. Finally, you simply have to take a look at the output details and adjust, click Export to export png as ico free in Gimp

How to have a transparent icon Background?

To have a transparent icon, it is necessary for your icon to be in the PNG or ICO format. Because both of these formats support a transparent background. Use our PNG to ICON converter to turn your PNG files into icons having transparent backgrounds.

How to convert PNG to Icon in Photoshop?

If you want to use a png image as the icon of your website or any desktop application then you convert it into ICO with the help of adobe photoshop. Let's find out how:

  1. Open your PNG  image in Adobe Photoshop.
  2. Now from the image menu select the image size.
  3. Enter the width and height. It must be equivalent or less than 16.
  4. Click on the file menu and choose the “save as” option.
  5. Add the name for the ICO file and then select the file type ICO.
  6. Press the save button and that's all.

Is PNG and ICO the same?

No, they are not the same, PNG is a common graphic format but an ICO is a special format containing a collection of images with different sizes used to show the icons of the folders, directories,  programs of Microsoft windows, and the icons of the websites.

How to convert multiple PNG files to ico (icons)?

For this, you must use our converter, because it provides you the facility of batch conversion.

No matter at all about the reasons that you are prone to exporting png as ico, this best PNG to ICO converter is a free utility to process conversions without any limitations.