JPG To TIFF Converter

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Why Convert JPG to TIFF?

The JPG is referred to as a very common file type, which covers a wide range of functions and user needs. While TIFF is an extremely high-quality image file designed for printing. Our online JPEG to TIFF converter is specifically best to make the conversion from JPG file to TIFF image format

 Well, come to the point – if you need to maintain high-quality imagery when sending professional photography or high-resolution files to a print shop, then converting JPG to TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is an essential thing. Even though the TIFF image file format is larger than the JPG, but its compression abilities entirely make up for the size. If required, TIFF can easily shrink without losing the resolution. TIFF image file is an ideal format for bringing digital files into a physical format. 

How to Convert JPG to TIFF Online?

The online JPG to TIFF converter is simple, but the smartest way to turn your JPG image file to TIFF image format. Stick to these steps and make a toss of your choice for respective conversions:

Step 1: 

  • You can upload, drag or drop the JPG file into the toolbox, which you need to convert to TIFF image format. Multiple file conversions enable by this image converter, if so, add multiple files at once

Step 2:

  • It’s time to make a click on the “Convert” button and within the blink of the eyes, it provides you the converted TIFF files

Step 3:

  • Once JPG converted to TIFF, tap on the “Download” button to save a JPG as a TIFF


How to convert JPEG to TIFF using Windows?

  • First of all, you have to locate the JPEG file that you wish to convert
  • Then, you make a right-click on the file
  • Now, you have to select “Edit” or select “open with” > ‘paint’
  • Then, in the Paint image, make a click on the “file” menu and click “save as”
  • Now, from the drop-down box, you have to select “TIFF”
  • Finally, name the file and choose your storage location

If these steps are hard to remember, then our online JPEG to TIFF converter is the right choice for your to fulfill your conversion needs. 

How to convert .JPG to TIFF using Mac?

  • All you need to locate the JPG file that you want to convert
  • Now, by using “Preview”, simply choose the “file” then “export”
  • From the list, you have to choose the “TIFF”
  • Now, make a tap on “save”

Which is better JPEG or TIFF?

When you are going to edit an image, you should consider saving it as a TIFF image type rather than a JPEG file. It is noticed that TIFF image files are larger, but they not at all lose any quality or clarity when edited and saved frequently. While JPEG image files will lose a bit of quality and even clarity when saving repeatedly. So, if you have a JPEG image, then quickly turn it into a TIFF format by using our free image converter. 

Can I convert JPEG to TIFF on Mac OS or Linux?

Our experts designed an online JPEG to TIFF converter that allows you to perform conversions from JPEG to quality TIFF on any operating system that has a web browser.

No doubt, the JPG comes with everything that mostly a user could ever want from an image file. But, sometimes it’s not enough! The TIFF image file format packed with so many stunning features that are a reason why a user will stick with it. So, make use of our JPG to TIFF converter for instant and quality conversions to make sure you understand how to convert.