JPEG To JPG Converter

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No doubt that JPEG and JPG image formats are pretty interchangeable. If you have received a JPEG file and aim to change it to JPG image format, then use our best JPEG to JPG converter to turn .JPEG into .JPG image format, yes, it entirely free!

Is JPG the Same as JPEG?

In actual, there’s no difference between the JPG and JPEG formats. The only difference that is considered is the number of characters used. Since the JPG image format exists only in the earlier versions of Windows (MS-DOS 8.3 and FAT-16 file systems), they required just a three letter extension for the file names. So, .JPEG extension name was shortened to .jpg. 

Even technically there is nothing that differentiates JPG vs JPEG. They both are essentially the same image file format in that JPEG and JPG are categorized as raster images and use lossy compression. But for your feasibility, we developed a free JPEG to JPG converter online that lets you convert JPEG photo to quality JPG.

What About the Quality of JPEG to JPG Conversions?

The final quality of the converted JPG will entirely depend on your original uploaded JPEG. So, when using our JPEG to JPG online converter, we will suggest you use the best JPEG image quality to get a good JPG quality. 

How to Convert JPEG to JPG Online?

Use our online JPEG to JPG converter that has strong JPEG to JPG conversion capabilities, this tool takes less than a minute to turn JPEG into JPG online. To carry out this conversion, follow the given steps:

Step 1:

  • In this step, select your JPEG file, upload it or make drag & drop it into the designated box. The tool is capable to do multiple conversions, add more than one JPEGs to and turn them into JPG’s

Step 2:

  • Here you just have to press a “Convert” button to begin conversion

Step 3:

  • At last, press a “Download” button and save a JPEG as JPG to your preferred storage


How To Convert JPEG to JPG on Mac and Windows?

To save a JPEG as a JPG on mac OS and iOS, follow the given steps:

  • Use the Preview app
  • Very next, Go to File > Save As (or Export)
  • And, then simply choose .jpg from the drop-down list

When it comes to converting JPEG to JPG on windows, all you need to add the JPEG file into our online JPEG to JPG converter and lets the remaining done by it. 

How to Convert JPEG to JPG Using Paint?

  • First of all, you have to open JPEG image in the paint
  • Now, you need to go to save as option under the file menu
  • Then, simply choose JPEG picture option, and rename your image file and add .JPG at the end of your file name
  • Finally, make a tap on “Save”, congrats you successfully converted JPEG to JPG

How do I save JPEG as JPG file manually?

You just have to change the file extension by hand to save JPEG as JPG manually. You can do this in File Explorer in Windows 10, just make a right-click on a file and select rename. Very next, you just manually name the file with a .JPG extension instead of .JPEG. Sometimes you can’t see the file extension, in such case, you just need to go to View > Show/Hide and just enable the box for “File name extensions.”

Fortunately, our online JPEG to JPG converter is freely available; it is accessible from any device that you’re working from. JPEG to JPG conversions becomes fast and easy on Android smartphones, Apple iPads and iPhones, Mac laptops, and Windows PC by using our converter.