CDR To JPG Converter

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CDR is a file format used to store encoded and compressed digital images that can be opened and edited by vector editing software. CDR is a default format for the CorelDraw application which was developed in 1987. This format is easily accessible by most image editing applications but not all general programs can access this format. This format can store the graphical information generated in CorelDraw, raster, and vector images easily. 

JPG is a regular image format that was developed in 1992. It is a popular graphic format that uses a high compression rate which causes a decrease in the quality of the image. By using it, users can obtain the required image size with a little loss of quality. Because of its small size, it is popular for sending emails and storing images on websites. This format is easily accessible on approximately all devices.

Why Convert CDR to JPEG?

JPEG images cover significantly less space than the CDR file. CDR files can be opened by CorelDraw and some other specific applications such as Adobe Reader, Corel Paint shop Photo Pro, Corel WordPerfect Office, Libre Office, Adobe Illustrator, etc. While the JPG format is easily accessible by all the programs. The compatibility and less storage consumption are the parameters that reveal why you need to turn .cdr to JPG image format. This is where you have to start using a free utility like CDR to JPG converter that does a perfect job regarding such conversions. 

How to Convert CDR to JPG Online?

Our simple CDR to JPEG converter provides you with a hassle-free way to convert CDR file to JPG in no time. Let's see how it works:

Just follow these steps to convert CorelDraw file to JPG:

Step 1:

  • First of all, upload or drag the file that you want to convert to JPEG. You can also add multiple CDR files to perform the batch conversion. 

Step 2:

  • Click on the convert button and wait until the CDR to image converter completes the conversion process.

Step 3:

  • Press the download button and get your converted JPG image saved on your device storage quickly.


How to convert CDR to JPG on Linux, Mac OS or Android?

You can rapidly convert your Coreldraw file to JPG by utilizing our free online CDR to JPG converter because it is totally compatible with all the operating systems. 

How do I extract photos from a CDR file?

You can now easily export images from CDR Dicom for Windows by following the given steps:

  • Make click on the Image so it is highlighted
  • Then, click on the Xray/Image
  • Now, hit the Export
  • In the Save As window pop-up, you need to choose the location where you want to save the image
  • Very next, you need to type a file name for the image
  • Right after that, you need to choose JPEG format as the save as type
  • Finally, click on the Save button

How to Convert CDR to JPG in CoralDraw?

Follow the following steps to convert CDR to JPG:

  • Open Coreldraw and look for the files that you wish to convert. Open your file in CorelDraw.
  • Click on the file button and press the save as option from the drop-down box.
  • Select JPG as the output format and press the save button.
  • Now the file will be saved in JPG format.

Can I extract tables from CDR files and export them to JPG files?

No, you can only use our online CDR to JPG converter to convert the files while maintaining the same structure and the format in JPEG format. You can turn CDR into JPEG while preserving the quality of the files.


There are many ways to convert CDR to jpg regular image format but our free online CDR file to JPG converter has made the conversion easier as much as possible by summing it up in just three simple steps.